Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Contoh Soal Gerunds

Gerunds dan Penggunaannya
Yang dimaksud dengan gerund adalah verb1+ing yang difungsikan sebagai noun (kata benda). Misalnya: killing, receiving, answering, playing, studying, dst. Dalam kalimat, gerund dapat digunakan sebagai subject, object, dan modifier.
A. Gerunds as Subjects
Penggunaan gerund sebagai subject kalimat sudah dibahas pada sentence components tentang subject kalimat. Untuk merefresh memori anda, perhatikan contoh berikut:
1.        Having a lot of money is better than having a little. (Punya banyak uang lebih baik dibanding punya sedikit uang).
2.        Writing and speaking are two different aspects in a language. (Menulis dan berbicara adalah 2 aspek yang berbeda dalam sebuah bahasa).
3.        Dropping out of school has caused him hard to find a good job. (Putus sekolah telah  membuat dia sulit mendapatkan pekerjaan yang layak/bagus).
B. Gerunds as Objects
Jika verb mengikuti verb lainnya atau mengikuti prepositions, maka verb yang mengikuti ini berfungsi sebagai object kalimat.
1. Setelah verbs
Seperti halnya pada infinitive, gerund juga dapat mengikuti verbs tertentu, seperti pada pola kalimat berikut:
Subject + verb + gerund
Berikut adalah verbs yang langsung diikuti oleh gerund.
admit (mengakui)
appreciate (menghargai)
avoid (menghindari)
can’t help
consider (mempertimbangkan)
complete (menyelesaikan)
delay (menunda)
deny (menyangkal)

enjoy (menikmati)
finish (menyelesaikan)
mind (keberatan)
miss (merindukan)
postpone (menunda)
practice (berlatih)
quit (berhenti)
recall (mengingat)

regret (menyesali)
report (melaporkan)
resent (menyesali)
resist (bersikeras)
resume (memulai lagi)
risk (mengambil resiko)
suggest (menyarankan)
begin (mulai)
can’t stand (tidak tahan)
continue (melanjutkan)
dislike (tidak suka)
dread (takut)
hate (benci)
like (suka)
love (cinta)
prefer (lebih suka)
start (mulai)
stop (berhenti)
remember (ingat)
forget (lupa)
a) Verbs pada baris pertama selalu diikuti oleh gerund (tidak pernah diikuti oleh infinitives). Can’t help di sini berarti “not able to avoid a situation, or stop something from happening “.
b) Verbs pada baris kedua selain diikuti oleh gerund juga dapat diikuti oleh infinitive dengan makna sama dengan bentuk gerund-nya. (Lihat contohnya pada infinitive).
c)  Verbs pada baris ketiga juga dapat diikuti oleh infinitive, tetapi maknanya berbeda dengan bentuk gerund-nya.  Lihat contah  8, 9 & 10 dan bandingkan perbedaan maknanya dengan contoh pada infinitive).
1.        Has Ryan admitted killing eleven people yet? (Apakah Ryan telah mengakui membunuh 11 orang?).
2.        appreciated being given suggestions by her. (Saya menghargai diberi saran-saran oleh dia).
3.        Tony always avoids answering my questions. (Tony selalu menghindar menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan saya).
4.        enjoyed being with you last night. (Saya menikmati bersama dengan kamu tadi malam).
5.        Have you finished reading the book yet? (Apakah kamu telah selesai membaca buku itu?)
6.        They prefer playing football to studying. (Mereka lebih milih/suka main sepakbola daripada belajar). Note: Verb prefer jika diikuti oleh gerund, pola kalimatnya berbeda dengan jika diikuti oleh invinitive.
7.        can’t help worrying about the upcoming exam. (Saya tidak bisa berhenti mengkhawatirkan ujian yang segera/sudah dekat itu).
8.        I want to stop smoking. (Saya mau berhenti merokok). Dalam kalimat ini, subject I berkeinginan untuk tidak merokok-merokok lagi.
9.        My brother always remembers locking his car. (Kakak saya selalu ingat mengunci mobilnya). Selama ini, mobilnya belum pernah dalam keadaan tidak terkunci. Note: Gunakan gerund setelah verb remember jika aktivitasnya sudah dilakukan in the past.
10.     My brother never forgets locking his car. (Kakak saya tidak pernah lupa mengunci mobilnya). Sama dengan contoh 7, selama ini, mobilnya belum pernah dalam keadaan tidak terkunci. Note: Gunakan gerund setelah verb forget jika aktivitasnya sudah dilakukan in the past.
2. Setelah prepositions
Sebelum diikuti oleh gerunds, prepositions (kata depan) biasanya mengikuti verbs, adjectives, atau nouns. Perhatikan pola berikut:
a. Verbs + prepositions + gerunds
Phrase pada table berikut adalah verbs + prepositions yang selalu diikuti oleh gerund (tidak pernah diikuti oleh infinitive.)
approve of (menyetujui)
be better off (lebih baik)
give up (berhenti)
put off (memadamkan)
think about (memikirkan)
think of (memikirkan)
worry about  (mencemaskan)
succeed in (berhasil)
count on (percaya pada)
depend on (tergantung pada)
insist on (bersikeras pada)
keep on (meneruskan)
rely on (tergantung pada)
object to (keberatan)
look forward to (mengharapkan)
confess to (mengakui)
Note: Walaupun diikuti oleh preposition to, phrase pada baris kedua selalu diikuti oleh gerund. So, jangan dibingungkan dengan infinitive.
1.        He gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice. (Dia berhenti merokok karena saran dokternya).
2.        Jenny insisted on buying that cellphone instead of this one. (Jenny bersikeras untuk membeli HP itu daripada HP ini).
3.        Have you ever thought of studying abroad? (Pernahkah kamu berfikir untuk belajar di luar negeri?)
4.        After a long trial and error, he finally succeeded in fixing his laptop. (Setelah lama mencoba-coba, dia akhirnya berhasil memperbaiki laptopnya).
5.        My older sister objected to not being allowed to go out wit her friends. (Kakak saya keberatan tidak diijinkan keluar rumah dengan teman-temannya).
6.        am looking forward to seeing you soon. (Saya (sedang) sangat menantikan untuk bertemu denganmu segera). INCORRECT jika: I am looking forward to see you soon.
7.        No one has confessed to stealing my money yet. (Tak seorang pun yang telah mengaku mencuri uang saya). INCORRECT jika: No one has confessed to steal my money yet.
b. Adjectives + prepositions + gerunds
Phrase pada table berikut adalah adjectives + prepositions yang selalu diikuti oleh gerund (tidak pernah diikuti oleh infinitive.)
accustomed to (terbiasa dengan)
intent on (bermaksud)
afraid of (takut pada)
interested in (tertarik dengan)
capable of (bisa/mampu)
successful in (sukses pada)
fond of (gemar pada)
tired of (lelah akan)
1.        Will you be capable of finishing your work by noon tomorrow? (Apakah kamu (akan) bisa menyelesaikan pekerjaanmu sebelum jam 12 siang besok?).
2.        Are you afraid of sleeping in the dark? (Apakah kamu takut tidur dalam keadaan gelap?).
3.        I am tired of studying all day long. Let’s go out to have fun. (Saya lelah (karena) belajar seharian. Ayo kita cari kesenangan di luar).
4.        Judith is fond of singing while taking a shower. (Judith gemar menyanyi ketika sedang mandi shower).
5.        Bobby is accustomed to buying roses for his girlfriend. (Bobby terbiasa membeli mawar untuk pacarnya).

c. Nouns + prepositions + gerunds
Phrase pada table berikut adalah nouns + prepositions yang selalu diikuti oleh gerund (tidak pernah diikuti oleh infinitive.)
choice of (pilihan)
excuse for (alasan kenapa)
intention of  (maksud)
methods for/of (metode untuk)
possibility of (kemungkinan akan)
reason for (alasan dari)
1.        The teacher gave us a choice of taking another exam. (Guru itu memberi kita pilihan untuk mengikuti ujian lagi).
2.        I am so sorry. I had no intention of hurting your feeling. (Saya sangat menyesal. Saya tidak punya maksud untuk menyakiti hatimu).
3.        He always has an excuse for being late. (Dia selalu punya alasan kenapa (dia) telat).
4.        There is no possibility of recruiting new employees during recession we are facing now. (Tidak ada kemungkinan untuk merekrut pegawai baru selama resesi yang sedang kita hadapi sekarang).
5.        Have you found the best method for improving your English yet? (Apakah kamu sudah menemukan metode terbaik untuk meningkatkan (kemampuan) bahasa Inggris kamu?)
6.        Your reason for getting bad grades is a big nonsense. (Alasan kamu kenapa nilai-nilai kamu jelek adalah omong kosong/bualan belaka).
C. Gerunds as Modifiers
Sering kita temukan kalimat yang menggunakan modifier berupa clause (i.e. prepositions + S + V). Jika subject dari main clause dan modifier tersebut sama, subject dari modifier tersebut dapat dihilangkan, tetapi verbnya berubah menjadi gerund.
1.        After doing the homework, I will play football. = After I do my homework, I will play football.
2.        Cats usually snore while sleeping. = Cats usually snore while they ( the cats) are sleeping.
3.        I had had a very bad English before reading these articles. = I had had very bad English before I read these articles.
4.        Besides watching movies, I like reading novels. = Besides I like watching movies, I like reading novels.
5.        Because of not studying well, I didn’t pass the test. = Because I didn’t study well, I didn’t pass the test. Note: Penggunaan because of dan because adalah berbeda. Can you see the difference?
D. Penggunaan (pronoun/noun) sebelum gerunds
Pada pola-pola di atas, sebelum gerund  juga dapat disisipi pronoun dalam bentuk possessive adjectives (i.e. my, your, his, her, its, their, our) atau oleh noun dalam bentuk possessive (i.e. noun+’s, misalnya:  John’s, Rini’s, Indonesia’s, ect).
(pronoun/noun)  in possessive form
Note: Perhatikan perbedaan pronoun yang digunakan pada infinitive.

1.        We are looking forward to your coming next week. (Kami sangat menantikan kedatanganmu minggu depan).
2.        My father doesn’t approve of my brother’s marrying her. (Ayah saya tidak menyetujui kakak saya mengawini dia).
3.        They resented the teacher’s not announcing the exam sooner. (Mereka menyesalkan pak guru yang tidak mengumumkan ujian lebih awal).
4.        He objected to my calling his girlfriend last night. (Dia keberatan atas telpon yang saya lakukan ke pacarnya tadi malam).
5.        We all regret Danny’s not going to school anymore. (Kita semua menyesalkan Danny yang tidak sekolah lagi).
6.        Before my sister’s leaving for Bali next week, my parents are going to have a small gathering at home this weekend. (Sebelum saudara perempuan saya berangkat ke Bali minggu depan, orang tua saya akan mengadakan acara ngumpul di rumah akhir pekan ini).
7.        After his confessing to using drugs, Maria didn’t want to see him again. (Setelah dia mengaku menggunakan narkoba, Maria tidak ingin bertemu  dia lagi).
Negative form Gerunds Bentuk negative gerunds dibuat dengan dengan menempatkan adverb NOT di depan gerund tersebut.
1.        She regretted not seeing her boyfriend last weekend.(Dia menyesal tidak bertemu pacarnya akhir pekan lalu).
2.        Students are usually worried of not getting good grades. (Murid biasanya cemas tidak akan mendapatkan nilai bagus).
3.        The criminal insisted on not telling the truth even though the policemen had tortured him. (Penjahat itu bersikeras tidak menceritakan yang sebenarnya walaupun polisi telah menyiksanya).

  1. He allowed me use / to use / using his car.
  2. I don’t mind have / to have / having a roommate.
  3. I was getting sleepy, so I had my friend drive / to drive / driving the car.
  4. We noticed Professor Chang to eat / eating / eaten dinner with some friends.
  5. Would you please remind me call / to call / calling Barbo tomorrow.
  6. Romy advised finish / to finish / finishing this test carefully.
  7. Someone advised him finish / to finish / finishing this test carefully.
  8. She likes to have the house clean / to clean / cleaned everyday.
  9. The boy was seen climb / to climb / climbing up a tree.
  10. We saw the poor boy beat / to beat / beaten black and blue.
  11. You had better do / to do / done your work at once.
  12. I can’t imagine such an old man climb / to climb / climbing the mountain.
  13. Maria has been appointed as secretary / secretary / to be secretary.
  14. The thief was heard jump / to jump / jumped off the wall.
  15. Who / What / Which have they named their son?
  16. The teacher wants this test finish / to finish / finished in not more than one hour.
  17. The boy washed his shirts clean / cleanly / cleaned.
  18. The students should be made come / to come / coming on time.
  19. Have you heard English speak / to speak / spoken in your village.
  20. I asked my roommate let / to let / letting me use / to use / used his shoe polish.

Questions 1- 15 are incomplete dialogues.
Four choices marked A, B, C, D are given beneath each dialog. You have to choose the
one that best completes the dialogs.

1.   Woman : Excuse me, do you know how to get the nearest bank?
Man     : Sure. . . . It's on your left.
A.            Walk along this street. Then turn right.
B.             It's near the coffee shop.
C.             You can go there on foot
D.            I'm new in town.

2.   Alia   : What does your brother do, Tantri?
Tantri : He's a tour guide. . . .
A.            He helps customers and stamps mails.
B.             He guides trainees to install program.
C.             He maintains buses and control tickets.
D.            He takes people on trips around the world.

3.   Receptionist : Hello, Good morning, "Mak Nyos" Restaurant. May I help you?
Customer     : . . .
Receptionist :  All right.
A.            I I'd like to see the menu.
B.             I need a glass of soda.
C.             I'd like to book a table.
D.            I need to arrange the meeting.

4.   Abel  : I believe that Andri is in the library.
Firda : How do you know?
Abel  : . . . He comes there every day.
A.            He likes reading books.
B.             His interest is about art.
C.             His hobby is playing football.
D.            He prefers watching to shopping.

5.   Receptionist : Good morning. What can I do for you , sir?
Guest          : I'd like to talk to the Personal Manager, please.
Receptionist : . . . ?
Guest           : Yes, my name is Indarto.
A.            May I have your name
B.             Could you call him later
C.             Have you met him before
D.            Have you made an appointment

6.   Retno : I've. been waiting for you for ages. Where have you been?
Anto  : I'm sorry for coming late. . . so my car went slowly.
Retno : You shouldn't have taken that way in busy hours.
A.            My car got a flat tire
B.             You could be there on time
C.             I was caught in a traffic jam
D.            I change my plan meeting you

7.   Guest      : Would you do me a favor, please?
Manager : Yes, mum. . . . ?
Guest      : I ordered breakfast half an hour ago, but I haven't got it yet.
A.            How do you like the service?
B.             What seems to be the problem?
C.             Would you like to have breakfast?
D.            Can I call the room service for you?

8.   Aditya : . . . I need some more to complete the proposal.
Alfon   : Sure, my pleasure..
A.            Would you read the notice loudly?
B.             Could you get me some paper, please?
C.             Would you type the proposal for  me, please?
D.            Could you write the task plan, please?

9.   Alex  : What do you suggest for dinner?
Silvia : . . .
Alex  : Sorry, I'm vegetarian now.
A.            Let's cook onion soup at home.
B.             I think we can enjoy marmalade.
C.             What about eating some French fries.
D.            Why don't we have steak at the Crown?

10.   Dany : Don't forget to bring the raincoat. The weather forecast said that it's going to rain this afternoon.
Audy : . . . . Thanks for reminding me.
A.            It doesn't look though it will rain.
B.             I don't think it's impossible.
C.             Yes, that's quite possible.
D.            It's not likely to rain.

11.   Vania   : What's so special of Steak House? You visit that restaurant so often, don't you? Vincent: Yes, I do. It provides various sorts of menu.
Vania   : Does it have enough space for parties?
Vincent: Sure. . . . It is quite wide.
A.            It serves delicious food.
B.             It can hold more that 200 people.
C.             It will provide tables and chairs.
D.            It gives special discount for credit card holders.

12.          Yudha : My school will hold farewell party to end this academic year next Saturday. There will be "ADA" Band performing their latest songs.
Yossy : It must be very interesting.
Yudha : Yeah. Each student can take one friend to the party. . . . .
Yossy : Sure. I'd love to. It would be a great party.
A.            Would you come to the birthday party?
B.             Could you sing the popular songs in the party?
C.             Could you find another ticket for our friend?
D.            Will you come along with me?

13.   Bella : Fantastic! . . . It matches your blouse well.
Chika: Thanks. My niece gave it to me on my birthday.
A.            What dress is that?
B.             What a lovely dress!
C.             You are very beautiful!
D.            How nice is her gown?

14.   Dessy : Aji failed his exam.
Anna  : Yes. He's never serious. . . .
A.            If I pass, I would work hard.
B.             If he had studied hard, he could have made it.
C.             If I were him, I wouldn't study hard.
D.            If he were lazy, he would get success.

15.   Dicky : I think we should charter the bus for our trip this week.
Dody : . . . because many schools will charter the bus for their student during the school holiday.
A.            I agree with you.
B.             I don't think so.
C.             I think that's not good idea.
D.            That's not right.


1. May : Dwi, would you like to come to my school party?
Dwi : …., But I am afraid I can’t.
My friend, Dias has asked me to join her for a party too.
a. Yes, I like it                       c. No I can’t come
b. I would really love too   d. Of course I like too

2. Buyer : I like this car. It’s so beautiful. How much you will sell it?
Seller : I can only give it to you at Rp. 50 millions
Buyer : Hmm. That’s expensive.
Seller : Well, …..? I’ll give you Rp. 45 millions.
That’s the lowest price that I give to you
Buyer : Great! Nice to do a business with you. Here is the money.
a. How about this?                                              c. It’s deal now.
b. How much money do you have?                d. I think it’s not expensive

3. Man : What is your hobby?
Woman : Oh, …. Stamps. What about you?
Man : I don’t have really any hobbies.
Woman : Well, what do you do in your spare time?
Man : I like playing chess
a. Collect                               c. Collected
b. Collecting                          d. Collects

4. Bayu : My hobby is sport. What’s your hobby?
Sonny : ….
Bayu : Have you ever traveled around the world.
a. I like to travel                   c. I like traveling
b. I like travel                                       . I like traveled

5. Sam : Are you sure I can pass the test?
Frank : … Since you have studied hard for it these couple of weeks
a. Up to you                          c. I’m not certain about it
b. I don’t know    d. I’m sure about it

6. Mona : What do you suggest if always being exhausted arriving at home?
Vera : …. It helps much
a. Catch some sleep on your way home on the bus
b. Go to sleep after finishing your work in the office
c. Go to the shopping malls, do the sight seeing
d. Take some drinks and eat delicious food

7. Receptionist : The Emerald office. Good morning
Ayu : Good morning. Can I speak to Mr. Johan, please?
Receptionist : …. Can I take a message?
a. Yes, just a moment                                                         c. Would you like to leave a message?
b. I’m sorry. He is not here at the moment     d. I’ll call back later

8. Receptionist : King of Ticket, can I help you
Customer : Yes, I’d like to book three VIP tickets for ’Teater Koma’ performance next Friday
Receptionist : Okay. … cash or credit card?
a. Can I pay the installment?                                            c. Where is the cashier counter?
b. Can I bargain for the tickets?                       d. How would you like to pay?

9. Nabilah : Dad, that’s …. Position you’ve ever reach. Congratulation!
Nabilah’s father : Thank you
a. A dreadful                                        c. A disappointed
b. A fantastic                                        d. A shameful

10. Ms. Nina : What do you think about this product?
Have we received our selling target?
Arum : I think, …
Ms. Nina : I agree with your opinion.
a. We should increase our promotion                              c. I have no idea
b. We do not need to promote it                                       d. Your idea is not good

11. Elen : You know, I heard that several employees in our division are planning to resign from this company?
Jenny : Is there something wrong?
Elen : Yeah, the management always ask them to work overtime without giving any incentives.
Jenny : ……………….
a. I agree with you                                               c. I refuse your idea
b. I disagree with you                                          d. I completely disagree with you

12. Nina : How do you like this chocolate cake?
Nana : I think ….
a. It is pretty                                         c. It’s delicious
b. They are too boring        d. I’m fine

13. Lita : Maybe we need to try the new seafood restaurant down the street next week.
Beni : That will be great, but I am not free on Wednesday or Friday
Lita : ….
a. Why don’t we try the new recipe
b. What about going there on Monday
c. Let’s go find out what we can eat this afternoon
d. How about going fishing on Friday afternoon after work

14. Rian : I’ve got a toothache
Dini : You … go to the dentist
a. Had better                                        c. Would not
b. Will not                                              d. Shouldn’t

15. A : Be carefull, we are almost near the traffic light
B : We … stop when the traffic light is red
a. Can                                                    c. Should
b. Must                                  d. May

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