Wednesday 21 October 2015

soal UTS B Inggris SMK kls 10

Dialogue 1
Asnita is speaking to Mr Rahmat, the direct supervisor. She would like to ask Mr Rahmat to analyze a report she has written
Asnita     : Excuse me, Mr Rahmat. Could I talk to you for a moment?
Rahmat : Certainly, how can I help you?
Asnita     : I've finished the report you requested and I wonder if you wouldn't mind taking a look at it.
Rahmat : That's good to hear. I'd be happy to look through the report you've prepared.
Asnita     : I'd also appreciate it if you could give me some feedback.
Rahmat : Certainly, I'll let you know what I think.
Asnita     : Thank you.
Rahmat : You’re welcome.

1.       Why does Asnita want to talk to Mr Rahmat?
a.        To ask for looking through her report
b.       To ask for some money
c.        To ask for making coffee shop
d.       To take the feedback
2.       Does Mr Rahmat want to help Asnita?
a.        Thinking about it
b.       Yes, he does
c.        No, he doesn’t
d.       Refuse it
3.       What else does Asnita ask Mr Rahmat to do?
a.        Some money
b.       Some sugar
c.        Some feedback
d.       Someone else

Dialogue 2
Wiwid wants to have a talk with Indah, but Indah is very busy. She has a very tight schedule.
Wiwid     : Hi, Indah. Do you think it's possible for us to have a talk today?
Indah      : I'd love to, but I have a pretty tight schedule today.
Wiwid     : Oh, what do you have to do?
Indah      : Well, I have to finish a report by ten. Then, I have to drive to the airport to fetch my client at eleven. After that, I'll have a meeting with him over lunch. I guess I won't have a break until two o'clock. Then, from three until five, I have to attend a senior staff meeting.
Wiwid     : Wow, what a busy day!

4.       Why does Indah refuse to have a talk with Wiwid?
a.        She has appointment
b.       She has a homework
c.        She has a lot of money
d.       She has a pretty tight schedule
5.       What does she have to do by ten?
a.        She has to finish a report
b.       She has  to drive to the airport
c.        She has a meeting
d.      She has to attend a senior staff meeting.
6. Will she have a break at one?
a.        I think so
b.       No, she won’t
c.        Yes, she will
d.       I agree


       Being a professional, you have to pay attention to etiquettes in your workplace. There is something you as professionals have to possess, namely good manners. Good manners are shown from several aspects, such as your physical appearance, attitudes, and personality.
      It is important to dress in a manner consistent with company culture and make sure your clothes are always clean. Besides, it is good for you to keep yourself clean. Taking shower or bathing every day is a must. It can relax your mind, lighten a little bit of your burden, make you feel fresh and be ready for your work. Brushing your teeth every morning after breakfast is important to keep your breath fresh.
        Besides, you also have to be aware of your gesture. You have to stand up straight and sit with legs together to avoid displays. Your gesture will influence others’ impression on you. A wrong gesture will make a negative impression.
        Then, you need to be careful with your attitude. Treat a cubicle as if it has a door and a ceiling. Speak calmly and with an even cadence, in person and on the telephone. Personal telephone conversations should be kept to a minimum if you inhabit a cubicle. No one wants to hear your arguments with your spouse. Confidential business conversations should also be kept to a minimum if you're in a cubicle for similar reasons. You do not want to prematurely spill the beans on some important deal. You also have to avoid aggressive behavior such as leaning into people, pointing at others, interrupting others, crowding others, using heavy perfume or cologne and bringing odorous food into the office. Snorting, spitting, or picking at any part of yourself is considered impolite.
         Moreover, if you use an elevator, face forward in the elevator. If you are getting off near the top of the building, move to the rear of the elevator. If you're getting off on a lower floor, stand close to the front. Say "Hello" or "Good morning" to those you encounter in the morning and "Good night" to those you encounter as you leave.
          It can be concluded that being a professional needs a good package consisting of physical appearance, attitude, and personality. All aspects really influence your impression and help you get along with others, especially your clients. Furthermore, of course, it will give a big effect to your career.

7. What do good manners consist of?
a.        Money, table manner and face
b.       Power and soul
c.        Physical appearance, attitudes, and personality
d.       Smart and clever
8. What should you do to your appearance?
a. on time
b. Think fast
c. Working hard
d. Always make ourselves clean
9. Why is your gesture important?
a. because its influence to other impression
b. because it is good
c. because of you are a human
d. because it can make some money
10. What should not you do in a workplace?
         a. wear clean cloth
b. aggressive behavior
c. steeling
d. cheating
11. This house is quite old. It was ……… in 1930.
a. build                   b. builds                 c. building              d. built
12. Two hundred people are …………… by the company.
a. employ              b. employing         c. employed          d. employs           
13. Many accidents …….. caused by careless driving.
a. is         b. are      c. am      d. have  
14.  I ……. not often invited to parties.
a. am      b. is         c. are      d. does  
15.  How is this word pronounced?
a. pronouncing     b. pronounces       c. pronounce         d. pronounced     

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