Friday 26 June 2015

Conroh Soal TOEIC

Choose the best expression to answer these questions!
1. Hendra              : Good morning, Arif . How are you?
    Arif                     : Oh, hi, Hendra............
  1. I'm Happy to hear that                                                      D. The homework is OK 
  2. I'm OK                                                                                   E. How do you do
  3. I'm Doing my home work

2. Nita                    : Hi, Thalia
   Thalia                 : Hi, Nita, How are you ?
    Nita                    : I'm Fine, Thanks. and you?
    Thalia                                : ...............
  1. It's OK                                                                                   D. OK. I'm Fine
  2. I'm OK                                                                                   E. I'll be fine
  3. OK.Thank you 
3. Yulis                   : Which one is yours?
     Neni                   : "............
  1. I love the book                                                                     D. The blue one is mine
  2. the red one is Mary's                                                                           E. My book is here 
  3. An Old friend of mine

4. Mutia                                 : Mr. Ahmad wants you to return.....pencil
Pipih                       : What happened? did you meet ......
A.Her – His                                                                                           D. His – Him
B. Hers – His                                                                                        E. Him – him
C. His – His

5. Agung                                : name is Agung
    Sugiana                             : Hi, my name's Sugiana
  1. please introduce you                                                                           D. can you introduce?
  2. Let me introduce myself                                                    E. please introduce me
  3. Do you meet me?

6.     Bram : Violence on TV should be censored. What’s your opinion?
Linda :………………………………... The publication of tragedy in Jatinangor or in Jakarta will be able to stop the bad behaviour. The victims in Jatinangor will increase if the violence is not made known.

a. I think it depends on the purpose.
b. You should take a rest.
c. You know, fortunately it was still under the chair.
d. I have a reservation
e. Could I see your ID

       Mother : ……………………………….It is already 11 p.m. You've studied for 3 hours
Bambang : Yes, thank you. I've finished reading.

a. I think it depends on the purpose.
b. You should take a rest.
c. You know, fortunately it was still under the chair.
d. I have a reservation
e. Could I see your ID

       Rita : Budi, have you found your left wallet in your classroom?
Budi : ………………………………………………………….

a. I think it depends on the purpose.
b. You should take a rest.
c. You know, fotunately it was still under the chair.
d. I have a reservation
e. Could I see your ID

              A: …………………………….. My name is John Sandals.
B: May I see your ID, please, Mr. Sandals?
A: Certainly. Here it is.
B: Thank you. Do you have a credit card, Mr. Sandals?
A: Yes, I do. Do you accept American Express?
B: Sorry, sir, just VISA or MasterCard.
A: Okay. Here's my VISA card.
B: Okay. You're in room 507. It's a single queen-size bed, spacious, and nonsmoking. Is that suitable?
A: Yes, it sounds like everything I expected.
B: Here's your key, sir. If you need anything, just dial 0 on your room phone.

a. I think it depends on the purpose.
b. You should take a rest.
c. You know, fortunately it was still under the chair.
d. I have a reservation
e. Could I see your ID

9.       A: Hi, I have a reservation under the name of Sandals.
B: ………………………………., please, sir?
A: Of course! Let me take it out of my wallet.
B: Thank you, sir. Now, do you have a credit card, sir?
A: Yes, of course. Is American Express okay?
B: I'm sorry, sir. Only VISA or MasterCard.
A: In that case, here's my VISA.
B: Thank you. Your room number is 507, queen bed, nonsmoking. Is that agreeable to you, sir?
A: Yes, I'm easy to please.
B: Very good. Here is your room key, sir. If you need anything at all, please dial 0.

a. I think it depends on the purpose.
b. You should take a rest.
c. You know, fortunately it was still under the chair.
d. I have a reservation
e. Could I see your ID

10.  A: Hello! My name is Sandals, I have a reservation.
B: May I see your identification, please, sir?
A: Here you are.
B: Thanks. Do you have a credit card, sir?
A: Of course. Will American Express do?
B: I'm very sorry, sir. We accept only VISA or MasterCard.
A: No problem. Here's my VISA.
B: Thanks. Room 507 is a spacious, nonsmoking room, with a queen bed. Does that meet your expectations?
A: ………………………………………………
B: That's wonderful, sir. Now, here's your key. Should you need anything, just dial 0.

a. Yes, that sounds like what I want.
b. You should take a rest.
c. You know, fortunately it was still under the chair.
d. I have a reservation
e. Could I see your ID

10.    A: Hi, I'm John Sandals, and I have a reservation.
B: Would you show me your ID, sir, please?
A: Here you go.
B: Thank you very much. Now, sir, do you have a credit card?
A: …………………………………………………………………?
B: Regrettably, Mr. Sandals, we accept only MasterCard or VISA.
A: I thought American Express was accepted everywhere. Never mind. Here's my VISA.
B: Thanks. You're in room 507, a big, nonsmoking room, with a queen bed. Is that okay, sir?
A: Yes, that's just fine.
B: I'm happy to hear that. Here is your key. Just dial 0 if you need anything.

a. Certainly! Would you like my American Express card?
b. You should take a rest.
c. You know, fortunately it was still under the chair.
d. I have a reservation
e. Could I see your ID

11.    A: Hello. My name is John Sandals, and I've got a reservation.
B: May I see some identification, sir, please?
A: Sure. Here you are.
B: Thank you so much. Have you got a credit card, Mr. Sandals?
A: I sure do. How about American Express?
B: Unfortunately, at the present time we take only MasterCard or VISA.
A: ………………………………………………………..
B: Thank you, sir. You'll be in room 507, nonsmoking, with a queen-size bed. Do you approve, sir?
A: Yeah, that'll be fine.
B: That's great. This is your key, sir. If you need anything at all, anytime, just dial zero.

a. No American Express? Okay, here's my VISA.
b. You should take a rest.
c. You know, fortunately it was still under the chair.
d. I have a reservation
e. Could I see your ID

.               Dian : Good morning. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dian.
Rian : Good morning. My name is Rian, nice to meet you.
Dian : ………………………We are in the same class, right? I saw your name in the students' list of my class.
Rian : Yeah, right. By the way, what book is that?
Dian : This is a book about cooking, Mari Memasak Sendiri.
Rian : Oh, so you like cooking? I like cooking too.
Dian : Really? Good, so I have a friend to share with. Anyway, I must go now. Bye.
Rian : Bye. Take care.

a. Nice to meet you too.
b. How do you do?
c. Could you tell me how to make this sandwich?
d. I'm sorry to hear that.
e. Would you like any other magazine or newspaper to read?

.               Santi : Hi, Fany. I'm sorry I'm late.
Fany : That's O.K. Let me introduce you to
Lina. Lina, this is Santi. Santi, this Lina.
Lina : Hi, Santi. How do you do? Pleased to meet you.
Santi : Hi, Lina. …………………… Pleased to meet you, too.
Fany : Well, Santi and I have to go right now. See you later.
Lina : See you.

a. Nice to meet you too.
b. How do you do?
c. Could you tell me how to make this sandwich?
d. I'm sorry to hear that.
e. Would you like any other magazine or newspaper to read?

.               The girl : I brought some sandwiches. Do you want some? (She hands a sandwich to Lina)
Lina : Thank you. (Lina takes the sandwich.) It's very delicious. By the way, my name is Lina. Nice to meet you.
The girl : I'm Fanny. Nice to meet you too.
Lina : ………………………………………………………?
Fany : OK. First, take two pieces of bread. Spread butter on each piece. Then, cut cheese into slices.
After that, place the slices on one piece of the bread. Finally, put the other piece on the top.
Lina : It's very simple. I think ...

a. Nice to meet you too.
b. How do you do?
c. Could you tell me how to make this sandwich?
d. I'm sorry to hear that.
e. Would you like any other magazine or newspaper to read?

              Kristin : I can't come to your party. My brother is ill. He is in the hospital now.
Erwin : ………………………………….

a. Nice to meet you too.
b. How do you do?
c. Could you tell me how to make this sandwich?
d. I'm sorry to hear that.
e. Would you like any other magazine or newspaper to read?

                Henry : Hello Yuni. How are you this morning?
Yuni : Hi, Henry. Fine, thanks. And you?
Henry : I'm just fine, thank you.
Yuni : Please come in and have a seat.
Henry : Thanks. I'm returning your brother's sports magazine. Here it is and thanks.
Yuni : It's all right. ……………………………………………………………….
Henry : Yes, please. How kind of you. Can I see today's newspaper?
Yuni : Of course. Here it is.
Henry : Thanks, Yuni. By the way, would you do me a favour?
Yuni : Why not? What can I do for you?
Henry : Could you tell your brother how grateful I am for his help to lend me his magazine?
Yuni : Oh, sure. I'll tell him.
Henry : Great. Thanks.

a. Nice to meet you too.
b. How do you do?
c. Could you tell me how to make this sandwich?
d. I'm sorry to hear that.
e. Would you like any other magazine or newspaper to read?

              Iwan : Dad, look! There was an earth quake in Ecuador. Many people became homeless. This is terrible.
Father : …………………………….(Then, Iwan's father reads the newspaper.)
Iwan : Yeah. It's very tragic. Thousands of people were killed.
Father : We know how it feels. Remember the earthquake in our country last year. Ecuador's earthquake is worse than in our country. I can't imagine that.
a. Oh, no! Another disaster again
b. How do you do?
c. Could you tell me how to make this sandwich?
d. I'm sorry to hear that.
e. Would you like any other magazine or newspaper to read?

          Retno : I saw your performance on TV yesterday. Well done, Andi. You have impressed the jury.
Andi : …………………………………………………….

a. Thanks. I worked hard to prepare everything.
b. How do you do?
c. Could you tell me how to make this sandwich?
d. I'm sorry to hear that.
e. Would you like any other magazine or newspaper to read?
1.       Dialogue 1
Ayu        : Will you tell me about it?
Palupi     : ………………………. .
Ayu         : Let’s try to make lepat sometimes.
Palupi     OK.

a.       Sure, I will.
b.       I wouldn’t let you get a job before you finish your study
c.        Are you sure you can do that?
d.       Can you lend me the book until next week?
e.        Will you let me know if she has finished it?

Dialogue 2
Anita      : Dad, look at this job vacancy! It’s a part time job for students of senior high. Hmm, I think it’s worth doing.
Father     : What are you talking about, sweetheart. Don’t say that you’re interested in taking part time job!
Anita      : Oh, come on Dad, would you allow me to take a part time job, please.
Father     : No, dear. 2……………………………………………………………. Your job is to be a student.
Anita      : But, Dad, I’d be very grateful if you’d just let me take the part time job.
Father       : Oh, dear, don’t you realize that you have everything paid for by your parents. You don’t have to earn money.
Anita      : Yeah, I know Dad. But it’s not about making money! By taking a part time job, I could gain some work experience. Moreover, this job is related to my study. I’m sure it will help me in the future.
Father     : Yeah, I understand and I know it’s a good job. But how can you manage your time?
Anita         : I promise to manage my time well. Schoolwork, including homework and studying for tests, should always be my top priority!
Father     : 3…………………………………………?
Anita      : I am sure I can. That’s a promise, dad. So, would you allow me to take this opportunity?

2.       A.I wouldn’t let you get a job before you finish your study
b.       Are you sure you can do that?
c.        Can you lend me the book until next week?
d.       Will you let me know if she has finished it?
e.        Let’s make a list of what to do

3.       A. I wouldn’t let you get a job before you finish your study
b.       Are you sure you can do that?
c.        Can you lend me the book until next week?
d.       Will you let me know if she has finished it?
e.        Let’s make a list of what to do

Dialogue 3
Dani        : Hi, Adi. How’s it going today?
Adi          : Oh, hi, Dani. Oh, so-so. I’m a little tired.
Dani        : Really. Why is that? Didn’t you sleep very well last night?
Adi          : I slept OK, but not enough. I read a book last night and I just couldn’t put it down.
Dani        : What book was that?
Adi          Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.
Dani          : You’re fond of Steinbeck, aren’t you? I’ve read some of his novels. I like The Grapes of Wrath. Have you read it?
Adi          : Not yet. Is it interesting?
Dani        : It's a depressing tale, actually. I suggest you read the book.
Adi          : 4………………………………………………….?
Dani        I’m afraid I can’t. I don’t have it now. Nadia is reading the book.
Adi          : 5………………………………………..?
Dani        Sure, I will.

4.       A. Can you lend me the book until next week?
b.       Will you let me know if she has finished it?
c.        Let’s make a list of what to do
d.       Retno             : After that, select the relevant information.
e.        Andi               : Okay. Look, the bell is ringing. Let’s go back to our class.

5.       A. Can you lend me the book until next week?
b.     Will you let me know if she has finished it?
c.     Let’s make a list of what to do
d.     Retno               : After that, select the relevant information.
e.     Andi : Okay. Look, the bell is ringing. Let’s go back to our class.

Dialogue 4
It’s the morning break. Andi and Retno are in the students’ association room. They discuss the proposal to put language death theme of their school board magazine.
Andi          : Hi guys, we’ve just got a proposal to put language death as the theme in the coming edition.
Retno     : I’ve read many books, and I’ve got plenty of information about it.
Denias    : That’s a good idea. It’s becoming a good article. Everybody should know it.
Retno     : Yes. We have to encourage everyone to know what language death is.
Denias       : All right. 6………………………………………………. . First of all, we have to search for more information in the books, internet, newspapers, magazines, and TV.
Andi        : After that?
Retno     :7……………………………………………...
Denias       : Right. I will write the editorial; Retno will write “Today’s Topic”. Andi, would you interview language teachers about language death?
Andi        : Consider it done.
Denias       : The other members will be responsible for the “Did You Know?”, “Story for Today”, “Today’s Joke”. Submit your material no later than Thursday.
Retno     : And then?
Denias       : Then, we will start creating our school board magazine on Friday. I propose that we work hard so that we can publish it on Monday.
Andi        : 8…. ………………………………………….. . ………………………………………….
Retno     : All right. See you guys.

6.       A. Let’s make a list of what to do
b.       After that, select the relevant information.
c.        Okay. Look, the bell is ringing. Let’s go back to our class.
d.       I'd like to know why the principal bans the use of mobile phones in school.
e.        Well, I don't agree with you
7.       A. Let’s make a list of what to do
b.       After that, select the relevant information.
c.        Okay. Look, the bell is ringing. Let’s go back to our class.
d.       I'd like to know why the principal bans the use of mobile phones in school.
e.        Well, I don't agree with you
8.       A. Let’s make a list of what to do
b.       After that, select the relevant information.
c.        Okay. Look, the bell is ringing. Let’s go back to our class.
d.       I'd like to know why the principal bans the use of mobile phones in school.
e.        Well, I don't agree with you

Dialogue 5
Dani : 9…………………………………………………………………………….
Lisa : He said mobile phones will disturb our lessons.
Dani : So do you approve of the ban?
Lisa : Not really. I think it's a wise policy. But sometimes mobile phones are really useful in emergency situations.
Dani : You mean you're not sure whether you approve of the ban or not?
Lisa : Well, I approve in some cases. Some of our friends have pornographic materials on their mobiles. I feel it's annoying.
Dani : 10………………………………………… . Don't you think it's their right to store whatever they want on their mobiles?
Lisa : That's right. But it's a school and it has its own rules.
Dani : 11……………………………………………………………

9.       A. I'd like to know why the principal bans the use of mobile phones in school.
b.        Well, I don't agree with you
c.        All right. I hope the principal will reconsider the ban.
d.       Dian : Do you really approve of genetically modified organism?
e.        Yes, I think that would be possible
10.    A. I'd like to know why the principal bans the use of mobile phones in school.
b.        Well, I don't agree with you
c.        All right. I hope the principal will reconsider the ban.
d.       Dian : Do you really approve of genetically modified organism?
e.        Yes, I think that would be possible
11.    A. I'd like to know why the principal bans the use of mobile phones in school.
b.        Well, I don't agree with you
c.        All right. I hope the principal will reconsider the ban.
d.       Dian : Do you really approve of genetically modified organism?
e.        Yes, I think that would be possible

Dialogue 6
Dian : Hi, Adi. I wonder if you could answer a question for me.
Adi : That depends. What's it for?
Dian : My class is doing a school survey on genetically modified organisms.
Adi : Is it just the same as transgenic animals or plants, huh? OK, what's the question?
Dian : 12……………………………………………………………….?
Adi : Well, that depends.
Dian : What do you mean? You can say "yes", "no", or "not sure".
Adi : No, I'm sure. It depends on the use of the transgenic or plants. If a country suffers from famine, we can make good use of genically modified food to help the country.
Dian : OK, thanks. You say "yes".
Adi : Yes, I approve in some cases.
Tania : Well, I don't agree with him. I believe there may be unknown dangers with genetically changed crops.
Didu : So your answer is "no"?
Tania : That's right. I'm against it. I wish to campaign against GMO. Do you think there is any possibility of a government policy concerning this issue?
Didu : 13………………………………………... OK. Thank you both. I appreciate your opinions.
Tania : No problem.
Adi : Good luck with your survey.
12.    A. Do you really approve of genetically modified organism?
b.       Yes, I think that would be possible
c.        You should call a taxi                                
d.       I think I will send you a driver
e.        Should I talk
13.    A. Do you really approve of genetically modified organism?
b.       Yes, I think that would be possible
c.        You should call a taxi                                
d.       I think I will send you a driver
e.        Should I talk

14. X  : I’m sorry for being late. My car broke down on my way here
Y  : ………………………………………………………………
X  : Thanks for your advice. I’ll do that
         a.   You should call a taxi                                 c.  I think I will send you a driver
b.   My driver can help you                                                d.  You’d better have it checked regularly
e. Could you put me through
15.    X  : Ramayana Hotel 821150, hello?
Y  : Good morning, ………………………………  to Mr. Pieter, the marketing manager?
a.   Should I talk                                                                   c.  May I connect you
b.   Can you ring out                                                            d.  Could you put me through
e. My driver can help you
16. Rian       : What can students do to be successful?
Teacher : ….… So, all activities can be arranged and done well.
A. You should manage your time.
B. You can only study in the library.
C. You must join many extra curricular.
D. You have to do the assignments properly.
E. You may say nothing.
17. Man       : Good evening. ………… for a group of 6 under my name, Aldino?
Woman  : Aldino? I’m sorry. I don’t see your name here. When was it made, sir?
Man       : At 8 pm last Tuesday. I called and spoke to the owner, Mr. Sony.
A. May I cancel the arrangement
B. Can I confirm my reservation
C. Would you see the schedule
D. Could you book a room
E. Can I call
18. Dani  : How was your trip to Bali?
Jeni  : ……………..… if it hadn’t rained everyday.
A. It was an amazing trip
B. It will be very interesting
C. I would have been in Bali
D. I would have had a wonderful time
E. I will find a good thing

19. Irman  : There is a good film at the Empire. ………..…
Melati : I’d love to. What time will you pick me up?
Irman : Five o’clock, I suppose.
A. Can I go with you?
B. Why don’t you go there alone?
C. Would you do something there?
D. Would you like to come with me?
E. Can you go?
20. Brother  : Izza, …………………. to borrow your motorcycle?
Izza       : Sure, but remember to fill up the tank.
A. Can you come
B. Did you ask me
C. Will you be able
D. Would it be possible for me
E. Can you give
21. Mr. Budi        : The AC in my room is out of order. ………………………?
Receptionist : We’re sorry. We’ll do it right away.
A. May I repair it myself?
B. Can you have it fixed?
C. Will you buy a new one?
D. Could you call the room maid?
E. Can you help me, please?
22. Ariel  : Do you think it’s possible to use your car for our trip next week?
Apri   : …………..… I still have to ask my father.
A. Why not?
B. Of course.
C. Certainly.
D. I’m not sure.
E. Why?
23. Dinah  : I'm thinking about quitting my job.
Sheila  : Sorry? Are you serious? It's so difficult to find a job these days.
Dinah : I know, but ……………….... I'm thinking about continuing my studies.
A. I'm not going to find another job.
B. the job was not interesting anymore.
C. I did not want to work for a bigger company.
D. the company will try to stop me from walking out.
E. I'm going to find another job.
24. Titi     : It's already lunch time. I feel like starving.
Danu : Let's eat at the cafeteria, then.
Titi    : ...I'm rather bored with the food there.
A. Why don't we have something different?
B. What about having lunch together?
C. How about dinner?
D. Let's not eat anywhere else.
E. we can go there.
25. Hari  : The recent policy applied in the companies is meant to improve the quality of the employees.
Agus : ………………. That’s what we have to do nowadays.
A. I disagree.
B. I don’t agree.
C. I’m against you.
D. I couldn’t agree more.
E. I’m not agree.
26. A stranger : Excuse me, ………………..… the railway station please?
Yuli           : Yes. Follow this way, turn left and then turn right. It’s on your left.
A. could you tell me the way to
B. what do you think about
C. how long does it take to
D. how far is it to
E. how many times does it take to
27. Gilang  : What can you say about your childhood?
Sita     : Great. … in the field near our houses.
A. We always fly kites
B. We are playing football
C. I will have some extra exercises
D. I used to ride bicycle with my friends
E. We are not playing football
28. Receptionist : Good afternoon, Asha Sofa restaurant. Can I help you?
Caller           : ………. for two tonight.
Receptionist : Certainly, sir. May I have your name, please?
A. Let me reserve a table
B. I’d like to make a table
C. I’m going to set a table
D. I want you to book a table
E. I want you to buy a table
29. Receptionist : Family Restaurant. Can I help you?
Bunga          : Yes, please. ………. for next Saturday evening.
Receptionist : I'm afraid we can't. We're fully booked this month.
A. I need to reserve a room
B. I want to book a ticket
C. I'd like to reserve two tables
D. I really need your help
E. I want to buy a room
30. Linda        : Could you tell me how to operate the new cleaner?
Salesman : Yes, Ma'am. Firstly ...
Linda        : Oh, I see.
A. You put on the power button at the side of the cleaner.
B. You turn up the power button at the top of the machine.
C. You turn on the power button at the left side of the machine.
D. You replace the power button at the side of the cleaner.
E. You turn off the power button at the left side of the machine.

The director of P.T. Top Fantasi opens the regular
meeting at 9.00 a.m.
The director : All my staff, good morning.
Staffs : ..., Sir.
The director : How's life today.
Staffs : Not so bad.
A. Good morning
B. Good afternoon
C. Good evening
D. Good day
E. Good bye
Siska is a new student of SMU 3 Semarang. She
doesn't know the location of her class. She asks a group
of students.
Siska : Sorry to disturb you, friends.
I'm a new student here. ... where
the Biology class is?
A group of students : With leasure.
A. May I tell you
B. Can you tell me
C. May I accompany you
D. Can I direct you
E. You may direct me
Look at the map. The conversation is on (x)
Passerby : Excuse me. Please tell me how to go to the
post office? I want to send my letter. I
came here only yesterday.
The man : Certainly. Go head ...
Passerby : Thanks for your explanation.
A. it is on your right side
B. it is on your left side
C. up to the corner of the street, turn right. It is on the
D. and then turn right, the post office is on your right.
E. up to the comer of the street, turn to left, the post
office is on your right.
Dwi : It is said that Yulia ... ready to get married
with Rafli if he ... her a luxurious car.
Silvi : I don’t believe it. Yulia is not materialistic
girl, isn't she?
A. will be – bought
B. would be – buys
C. will be – buys
D. would have been – bought
E. would buy – had been
Andi is very busy. It is impossible for him to finish his
work on time.
A. If Andi were not busy, he would be able to finish
his work on time.
B. If Andihad time, he would have finished his work
on time.
C. If Andi was busy, he would be able to finish his
work on time.
D. If Andi had been busy, he would finish his work on
E. If Andi had not been busy, he would not have
finished his work on time.
Yuli : Who cleans your house?
Nina : I do
Yuli : Does Adi help you?
Nina : Never, but he ... mother do the washing
A. is helping
B. helped
C. has helped
D. helps
E. had helped
Anton : Do you play tennis?
Arman : I ... play tennis when I was young, but now
my favorite sort is golf.
A. used to
B. don't
C. can't
D. can
E. do
Your friend will fly for the first time. He is a bit
worried about it.
You : ...?
Your friend : I hope so, thanks, this is my first flight. It
makes me a bit worried.
A. Do you feel afraid
B. There's nothing to worry about
C. Don't be so happy
D. Is there any problems
E. Are you afraid of being alone
Tri : Let's eat out in a restaurant, Dina
Dina : When?
Tri : Tonight
Dina : ... I'll wait for you before seven.
A. No, thank you
B. I don't want to
C. Good idea, but
D. Enjoy yourself
E. That sounds interesting
Agus had two tickets to attend the music concert. He
asked Bella to join him.
Agus : Bella, ... to accompany me to see the music
Bella : Are you kidding, Agus? I'm so flattery.
A. could you do me a favour
B. could I do you a favour
C. may I ask you
D. are you willing if I
E. would you mind if I
Denny Smith has just arrived in the U.S. He's at the
airport; hotel information counter.
Clerk : good morning May I help you?
Traveler : Hello, my name is Denny Smith.
Clerk : I see. A single?
Traveler : Yes, please.
A. I want to order a single room
B. I have no place to spend the night
C. I'd like to reserve a room for tonight
D. I am going to stay in your hotel
E. I am trying to find a room
Ronny : What films are in the Globe 21 today?
Budi : They are Home Alone in Studio 3 and The
Day After in Studio 4. Which one do you want
to see, Ronny?
Ronny : I think ... It's a comedy and very funny film.
Budi : I agree with you.
A. I don't like all of them.
B. I dislike it
C. I like Home Alone
D. I dislike The Day After
E. I love the mall.
Instructor : Read the instructions before you do this
Students : ... You have warned us before.
A. Don’t worry
B. Why not
C. Who cares
D. I like it
E. Wasting time
Hendra : ... the flower! Let it grow well.
Wahyu : I'm sorry. I wish I could give the flower to
that girl.
A. Pick
B. Don't pick
C. Please pick
D. Picking
E. Not to pickUN-SMK-06-14
A : Parahyangan Travel Agency. Can I help you?
B : Yes, please, 1 book the seat on the second bus to
Lampung, leaving at 08.00 P.M. tomorrow. I want
to confirm that I take it. And I want to know what
time I should be there to airport. My name is Gill.
A : Thanks, please come and report to us before the
What did the caller telephone the agency for?
A. Booking a seat in a bus
B. Canceling his reservation
C. Confirming his reservation
D. Changing the time of his travel
A : I like to speak with Mr. Zakaria, please!
B : He is out at the moment. I am afraid.
A : Anything I can do for you so?
B : Well, listen for him, that the order is ready. We
need n' t know about the time of delivery. We are
from ABC printing house, thank you.
What does the caller want to know?
A. Confirmation about an order
B. Mr. Zakaria's health condition
C. Method and time of product delivery
D. Information about ABC printing house
A : May I have the schedule of lecture for employee?
B : Sure, the study in room 461 and 402 on fourth
floor on Friday to Saturday, from 02.00 P.M. to
A : Thank you for your information
How often do the employees study?
A. Twice a week
B. Thee times a week
C. Four times a week
D. Five times a week
A : I think working with this company since 1980.
B : That's quiet long, have you got it only here.
A : No. I enjoy my job here
How long has the woman been working with the
company up until now?
A. 5 years
B. 9 years
C. 15 years
D. 19 years
A : I was in Bandung from 1981 to 1990. And then I
moved to Semarang and lived there for 15 years
before I came here.
B : Why did you move to this town?
A : I got a better business opportunity,
How long did the man live in Bandung?
A. 5 year
B. 9 years
C. 15 years
D. 20 years
A : I want to invite you to come to my house this
B : I'll be glad to. What is it? Your engagement?
A : No, I've a picnic sated a Jakarta University. Do
come between 07.00 PM. to 09.00 PM. There'll
be some other friends coming in high.
What is the girl going to hold in her house?
A. an engagement party
B. a university party
C. a celebration party
D. a senior high farewell party
A : I like to book a seat to Surabaya, please!
B : Single or round trip
A : Single, please
What does the man want?
A. a seat in a theatre
B. a single trip ticket
C. a round trip ticket
D. a book about SurabayaUN-SMK-06-16
Sheila : What do you do in the present company?
Dinah : ...
A. I have sent this insurance policy to a new client.
B. I check mail, sort out letters, and put them in the
C. I will have to arrange the annual meeting with the
D. I met some clients this morning, and got to
explain the company policy.
Dinah : I'm thinking about quitting my job.
Sheila : Sorry? Are you serious? It's so difficult to
find a job these days.
Dinah : I know, but ... I'm thinking about continuing
my studies.
A. I'm not going to find another job.
B. the job was not interesting anymore.
C. I did not want to work for a bigger company.
D. the company will try to stop me from walking
Waiter : Excuse me. Are you ready to order?
Dinah : Yes, can I have fish and chips, and coke?
Sheila : please.
Waiter : Fish and chips, coke, noodles, and hot tea.
I'll be right back.
A. A glass of coke and a bag of noodles
B. A bag of chips and a plate of noodles
C. A bottle of hot tea and a plate of chips
D. A bowl of noodles and a cup of hot tea
Rani : Rafi, what did you usually do when you were
in London?
Rafi : ...
A. I use to play tennis with my father.
B. I usually drink English tea for breakfast.
C. I used to walk down the road in the afternoon.
D. I sometimes go to the movies with some friends.
Sam : How much is that new Toyota?
Salesperson : It's $ 4,700, tax included.
Sam :..,.. I can't afford it.
A. The cost is low
B. That's cheap enough
C. That's too expensive
D. The price is quite reasonable
Nahya : ..... Raisha, our new staff?
Budi : Oh, yes. I am her yesterday. Hi, Raisha. How
are you doing?
Raisha : Hi, Budi. I'm doing fine, Thanks. How are
A. Have you met
B. Do you know about
C. Do you want to meet
D. Are you going to meet
Taufiq : Happy Travel, Taufiq speaking.
Olga : Hello, Mr. Taufiq. This is Olga ...
Taufiq : Oh, yes, Miss Olga. I hope you and your
family will have a wonderful time.
Olga : Thank you. We are very excited.
A. I am sad to tell you the truth
B. I liked to talk about the ticket service
C. I am disappointed with the service last night
D. I am calling to confirm my trip to Disneyland
Mela : I have already put the letter here. What's
Bowo : Do you see the "start" button on the
machine? If you press it, ...
Mela : Oh, yes. Thank you.
A. you will see the next instruction
B. you would see the next instruction
C. you would see the next instruction
D. you would have seen the next instruction
Fahri : You've got a big bonus and incentives,
haven't you? ...? I'm hungry.
Vita : Okay, where do you usually have lunch?
A. Why didn't you tell me
B. Why don't you treat me
C. C Why didn't you eat lunch
D. Why must we wait for them
Waiter : Under what name would you like the
Hasan : Siregar, Hasan Siregar.
Waiter : ...?
Hasan : Yes. It's 555 -9363.
A. May I have your phone number
B. Can I tell you my phone number
C. Should you write your phone number
D. Will you speak about your phone number
Adrian : What does a chef do exactly?
Manager : He supervises the preparation and service
of the food from the kitchen to the dining
room, arranges the menu and ...
A. carry away the dirty dishes to the pantry.
B. taking care of cleanliness of the kitchen.
C. served drinks to the table in the bar.
D. tastes the food for correct seasoning.
Duta : It will be a long weekend next week. What is
your plan?
Echa : ...,. There will be a family outing sponsored
by the-office.
A. We have gone by a tourist bus
B. We are going to go to Anyer
C. We stayed in a cottage
D. We have a barbecue
Reporter : Where does this industry sell its products?
Manager : This industry exports some of the
products but ...
A. much of them are sold in the domestic markets
B. few of them are made in the domestic markets
C. most of them are sold in the domestic markets
D. least them are made in the domestic markets
Psychologist : What can you say about your
Client : I'll always remember my sweet time
when I was still young. My friends
and I loved to play in a small field
near our houses and ... our bicycles
A. we will ride
B. we're riding
C. we used to ride
D. we will use to ride
Student : Can I remove the car wheels with spanner
no. 10?
Mechanic : No, you can't. ... the bolts.
A. It's too small to loosen
B. It's enough big to loosen
C. It's big enough to loosen
D. It's small enough to loosenUN-SMK-07-16
Bim : Do you know that... our monorail project next
Bram : Really? I have to prepare our progress report
of it then.
A. the government could check
B. the governor will review
C. I have reported
D. we visited
Fitha : Excuse me. I don't think ... you before. My
name's Fitha.
Marshall : Nice to meet you. I'm Bev Marshall.
A. I saw you .
B. I need to talk
C. I have met you
D. I should contact you
Fatin I : What does our new English teacher look
Nana : ... He is fit to be a model.
A. He has a new car.
B. He is nice and wise.
C. He looks happy.
D. He's tall and slim.
Brother : Izha,... to borrow your motorcycle?
Izha : Sure, but remember to fill up the tank.
A. did you ask me
B. can you come
C. will you be able
D. is it possible for me
Caller : Hello. ...?
Nita : I'm sorry, he is out. Could you call back at
Caller : All right. Thank you.
A. Could you speak to Mr. Aziz, please
B. Can I take a message from you
C. Could I speak to Mr. Aziz, please
D. Would you like to call him again
Receptionist : Family Restaurant. Can I help you?
Bunga : Yes, please. ... for next Saturday
Receptionist : I'm afraid we can't. We're fully booked
this month.
A. I need to reserve a room
B. I want to book a ticket
C. I'd like to reserve two tables
D. I really need your help
Receptionist : Good morning. May I help you?
Risa : Yes. My name is Risa and I have an
appointment with Dr. Ibrahim at 10
Secretary : Sorry, ...
A. He is treating a patient at the moment
B. He was talking on the phone
C. He is out of town
D. He was still on the way
Winny : When did you come back from the job
training program in Bangkok?
Fanny : I just arrived yesterday.
Winny : ...
Fanny : Oh, yes. I enjoyed everything there,
especially the training.
A. Will you enjoy the training?
B. Did you have a great time?
C. Are you going to attend a training?
D. Do you plan to go back?
Titi : It's already lunch time. I feel like starving.
Danu : Let's eat at the cafeteria, then.
Titi : ...I'm rather bored with the food there.
A. Why don't we have something different?
B. What about having lunch together?
C. How about dinner?
D. Let's not eat anywhere else.
Linda : Could you tell me how to operate the new
Salesman : Yes, Ma'am. Firstly ...
Linda : Oh, I see.
A. You put on the power button at the side of the
B. You turn up the power button at the top of the
C. You turn on the power button at the left side of the
D. You replace the power button at the side of the
cleaner. 1. Dimas : Would you accompany me to the internet?
Bonar : ....
Dimas : Thanks. I really appreciate it.
a. I’m disappointed
b. I’m not so sure
c. Sure
d. Not at all
e. I don’t know
2. Boni : How was your trip to Nias?
Yudha : ... with it. I want to go there again next year.
a. I’m very pleased
b. I’m really disappointed
c. I’m very displeased
d. I’m very unsatisfi ed
e. I’m not happy
3. Endang : How was your visit to the museum?
Ayu : It was closed when I got there. ... about it.
Endang : I’m sorry to hear that.
a. I’m satisfi ed
b. I’m happy
c. I’m really content
d. I’m very disappointed
e. I’m delighted
4. Arum : What do you think is the effective way to reduce global warming?
Della : ... planting trees is one of the effective ways to reduce global warming.
a. I don’t know
b. How do you see
c. I’m not sure
d. In my opinion
e. Are you certain that
5. Aspani : ... We help reduce global warming?
Rini : I think we can help reduce global warming through saving energy and recycling.
a. What do
b. Why should
c. How can
d. When can
e. Where should
6. Aldo : ... I would stay away from drugs.
Tius : Yes, I know. I’ll stay away from it.
a. I don’t want to say that
b. I wouldn’t say
c. If I were you
d. I don’t think
e. Don’t think7. Nanis : ... get persuaded by drug peddlers.
Matias : OK. Don’t worry I won’t.
a. Make sure you
b. Make sure you don’t
c. I think you should
d. Be sure you
e. You’d better
8. Elang : Look, the library is still open.
Endra : ... I thought we can’t make it.
a. This is horrible!
b. I’m very unsatisfi ed!
c. Oh, this is bad!
d. Thank goodness!
e. This is so disappointing!
9. Agung : ....
Candra : I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.
a. Thank goodness!
b. What a relief!
c. Whew!
d. Terrifi c!
e. Ouch!
10. Bella : What do you think of the book?
Ajeng : ... I really love it.
a. It’s terrifi c!
b. It’s disappointing!
c. It’s very unsatisfying!
d. It’s horrible!
e. It’s displeasing! 1. Man : Why should you leave me? I love you.
Woman : ... but I really have to go. I’m sorry.
a. I hate you
b. I love you too
c. I really do not want to be here
d. I’m sick of you
e. I don’t like you
2. Man : I really have to say that ....
Woman : Thanks. But I’m sorry I can’t.
a. I’m sorry.
b. You’re really jerk.
c. You’re really help me.
d. This is so embarrassing.
e. I have a crush on you.
3. Woman : Have you heard that the government will subsidize farmers who use have
organic farming?
Man : ... because not many farmers are willing to do organic farming without some
support from the government.
a. I disagree with the idea
b. I don’t really care about it
c. I think this is not a good idea
d. I think it is a good idea
e. I think the government should think about it twice
4. Man : Do you think that free education for poor people will be an effective policy?
Woman : .... because this is what they really need.
a. I think this will help them a lot
b. I don’t think that this is good
c. I think they will be spoiled
d. I don’t think that it’s necessary
e. I disagree with the idea
5. Man : ... I’ve booked the table but you give it to other customers.
Woman : I’m really sorry, Sir. We’re going to fi x it.
a. I really don’t mind
b. This is really a nuisance.
c. This is nice.
d. I like it.
e. I am really happy with that. 6. Man : ... You’d better go away now.
Woman : Fine.
a. I’m happy now.
b. You’re so nice.
c. You’re really helpful.
d. You make me happy.
e. You start to piss me off.
7. Man : Yesterday, I had to stand in the school corridor because I didn’t do my homework.
Many students stared at me ....
Woman : You should do your homework before you get to the class.
a. I didn’t really care.
b. It was so embarrassing.
c. I was so happy.
d. Finally, I could make it.
e. I was pleased.
8. Woman : There were so many people watching my performance and I made a mistake in
front of them ....
Man : That’s fi ne. Mistakes are not always bad things. You can learn from it and you
won’t make the same mistake in the future.
a. I was so happy.
b. I was in doubt.
c. I was so embarrassed.
d. I did not agree.
e. I was little bit fuzzy.
9. Man : You should not scream at the man.
Woman : He plays the cassette too loudly ....
a. It annoys me.
b. It makes me happy.
c. I’m still confused about it.
d. I don’t know about it.
e. I am afraid of him.
10. Man : Stop disturbing me. I’m working ....
Woman : Oh. I’m sorry. I’m leaving. Bye.
a. You make me happy.
b. You make me confused.
c. You make me angry.
d. I’m sorry.
e. I’m counting on you. 28. Ria and Yuni are at a shopRia wants
to buy an umbrella.
Ria : this umbrella?
Yuni : I think it's pretty good for
you. It matches the colour
of your clothes.
a. Do you want
b. Do you agree to buy
c. What do you think about
d. Could I know your reaction to
29. Bani and Dian have just read a fable.
Bani : What′s your opinion of the
Dian : the story is full of
moral values.
a. I know
b. I think
c. I agree
d. I doubt
30. Wahyu and Udin are sharing their
opinion on a recent education issue.
Wahyu : Do you agree that
education must be
affordable for the poor?
Udin : Absolutely .
a. I deny
b. I agree
c. I try to do so
d. I don′t care it
31. Wina and Nainatwo staff at a real estate
companyare talking about their latest
project building a fi ve-star hotel. Wina : the plan to build
a new fi ve-star hotel in that
Naina : But don't you think that
it will give us a lot of
Wina : I don't care. What I care
about is the poor people
living around that area.
Their houses will be
a. I am afraid of
b. I don't think
c. I disagree
d. I believe
32. A student is talking to a teacher
proposing one programme to be held
every year at the school.
Student : Sir, do you approve of
celebrating Mother's Day
annually at our school?
Teacher : Oh, great! .
a. Smashing!
b. How terrifi c!
c. I'm really displeased.
d. I'm very much in favour of
33. A waiter is asking a guest about the
Waiter : Do you like the food we
serve, Sir?
Guest : Oh, the taste is great.
a. I am very pleased with it.
b. What a nuisance.
c. I can't stand it.
d. Fantastic.
34. A guest at a hotel is complaining about
the facilities in that hotel.
Guest : . I asked
for a room with a
Receptionist : I'm very sorry,
Sir. I'll see if I can
change it.
a. It's very nice.
b. I really like it.
c. How irritating!
d. I am very pleasant.
35. Tia is feeling sad because somebody she
trusts is a traitor.
Tia : . I don't really want to
talk to anybody.
Ratu : I can see why you're so
sad, but let me know your
a. I'm interested in this matter
b. Please leave me alone
c. Isn't it great?
d. Calm down14. Mirna : Don't talk so much when
I'm reading. It makes me
angry, you know.
Nuri : . I just want to tell
you my story. Thanks for
listening to me.
a. I agree
b. I like it
c. Shut up!
d. I′m sorry
15. Widi : I am so embarrassed because
I can't speak English fl uently.
Nina : . Let's learn and
prac tise it more together.
a. That's good
b. Don't be scared
c. Sorry about that
d. I don't think it′s a big deal
16. Toni : . Why should it
happen? It's out of our plan.
Beni : Calm down. We should
evaluate it fi rst.
a. Oh dear!
b. I'm ashamed
c. Oh, that's good
d. I'm shy to say so
17. Nita : Which shoes will you buy?
Nani : I'll buy the blue .
I like it.
a. one
b. ones
c. there
d. as well
18. Teni : The music is too loud. I am
read ing now. .
Dewi : I'm sorry. I′ll turn it down.
a. Take it easy
b. It's embarrassing
c. I am very pleased
d. I can′t take this anymore
19. Daughter : Mom, thanks for
everything you do for
me. Nothing compares
to you in my life. I love
you, Mom.
Mother : , my dear.
a. I am glad you like it
b. I love you too
c. Don't be sad
d. Take it easy
20. She was watching a comedy
she was doing her English
a. before
b. whenc. while
d. after9. Ruben : Can I see you at 9 a.m. tomorrow?
Ayu : ______________________________. I have a class at 9 a.m.
a. Sorry, I don’t think so.
b. Sure, that will be fi ne.
c. I’ll be waiting for you.
d. Yes, I think so.
e. Great. It’s a perfect time.
10. Arnys : Marcell promised to take me to the boutique, but he did not come. He didn’t
tell me why he couldn’t make it.
Adib : __________________
a. How upsetting.
b. How marvellous.
c. That sounds nice.
d. That’s great!
e. That’s fantastic! 11. Denias : My uncle will be directing a drama for a TV programme. He would like to ask
you to play in it.
Ayu : __________________
a. I’m delighted to hear about that.
b. How annoying.
c. I’m sorry to hear that.
d. That’s a pity.
e. Don’t mention it. 9. Ayu : Thanks a million for your help.
Arnys : ______________.
a. Don’t mention it.
b. I’d love to.
c. Really?
d. That’s wonderful.
e. Terrifi c!
10. Adib : That’s a very cute sweater.
Retno : ______________.
a. It’s no trouble at all.
b. Thank you for saying so.
c. With my pleasure.
d. Very well, thanks.
e. That would be nice.
11. Marcell : __________________.
Virga : Really? That’s wonderful!
a. My lovely kitten died last night.
b. My little sister killed my hamster.
c. My horse has been sick for three days,
d. My dog won a swimming contest yesterday.
e. My rabbit was hit by a car this morning.
12. Denias : I heard the news that Pasha “Ungu” was put on probation for eight months.
Andi : ____________.
a. I don’t believe it!
b. That’s great.
c. I’d love to.
d. It’s no trouble at all.
e. Don’t mention it. 13. Virga : Won’t you have a dinner with my family tomorrow night?
Adib : _____________________.
a. You must be joking!
b. My goodness!
c. That would be great.
d. Well done.
e. Congratulations! 25. Lia : Do you have a new magazine?
Ani : Yes, . It's very interesting.
a. here it is
b. here they are
c. here is it
d. here are they
26. Eka to my friend, Dedy.
Dedy How do you do?
Reni How do you do?
a. I'll introduce
b. You are introduced
c. Won't you introduce
d. Let me introduce you
27. Heldy How do you do? My name
is Heldy.
Ferry I am Ferry.
a. Good morning.
b. How are you?
c. How do you do?
d. Let me introduce myself. 28. Evi Will you come with me to the
Adi .
Evi Alright. I'll fetch you at 8 p.m.
a. That's very kind of you, but I'm
very busy.
b. Thanks a lot, but some other
time, maybe.
c. Yes, that would be very nice.
d. I'd be unhappy to accept it.
29. Teacher Thanks for your help,
Student .
a. Don't worry about it.
b. Sorry, it didn't work out.
c. Sure. Too bad it didn't work.
d. You are entirely welcome.
30. Jane Where did you go last night?
Frank . Why?
a. I go to the cinema
b. I went to the cinema
c. I have gone to the cinema
d. I was going to the cinema
31. I her a bunch of roses this
a. gave c. given
b. give d. giving
32. Dudi does his homework by
a. himself c. him
b. hisself d. he
33. Who are ?
a. themselves
b. them
c. their
d. they
34. The teacher asks a student to come
to school on time.
a. Did come on time.
b. Do come on time.
c. Do you come on time?
d. You did come on time.
35. Randy : What's wrong with you?
You look unhappy today.
Sania : I los t my pur s e thi s
Randy : Oh, how awful! I'm so
The underlined sentence expresses

a. happiness. c. sympathy.

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